Mara Herefords

The Model's came from the Sherlowe herd which go back to the Summerhill Model's. 1951 saw the first of the Model's take Supreme Female Champion at the Royal Show with Sherlowe Model 2. Then followed a further three Royal Show Championships from this line up to Model 91 being awarded Supreme Female Champion at the 1978 Royal Show. I remember as a newcomer to the breed, seeing Sherlowe Model 91 and 100 become Royal Show Chmapions and from then on it was always a dream one day to work with this family. The chance came in 1986 at the Sherlowe dispersal sale where we purchased Sherlowe Model 269 as a maiden heifer, and what made it more exciting was that Sherlow Model 34, the sixth dam in her pedigree was the grand dam of Model's 91 and 100. The family is renowned for it's femininity, thickness and overall quality.
M. Grist M. Flook M. Eclipse M.Eclipse
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M.Model 14