Mara Herefords

The Blossoms - cont/
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Badlingham Bafca was out of Blossom77 and he has proved to be very a successful sire for Mrs Pam Noel and Robert Snelling's Sarabande Herd. Bafca was Junior Champion at the Royal Show and Bull of the Year 2003. Blossom 51 whose dam was Blossom 35, was Intermediate Champion at Tenbury, 1st at the Royal Show and Horned Female of the Year 1991. Her daughter Blossom 85 bred Badlingham Bates, Junior Champion at the Royal Show 2002. Blossom 49 was dam of Blossom 90 who was Junior and Reserve Grand Champion at the Royal 1999.
Blossom 8 was by Chadshunt Chancellor, a bull carrying many crosses of Vern Robert and at least 13 crosses of Vern Unique. Blossom 8's daughter Blossom 24 won many prizes but will be remembered for one bull calf in particular; Badlingham Bold Lad sired by Standard Lad 93 J and used heavily at Badlingham leaving some beautiful females. A half share in him was sold to R C Dennis Jones where again he worked so well. He was finally sold to F Hawke and when John Thornhill judged the National Herd Competition in 1999 he said "The stock cows, mostly by Bold Lad, impressed me."
From Blossom 8 came another important female, Blossom 17, who was sired by Wenlock Grandee. Her son Badlingham Broad Lad was sold to John & Melanie Williams at Any Hay in Cornwall. He has won many major prizes for them as well as being a great breeder. Also from Blossom 24 came Blossom 38 who was Grand Female Champion, Three Counties 1991.
Blossoms have bred well in other herds though few females have been offered for sale. At Clipston for R G Westaway Clipston Blossom S42 was Reserve Grand Female Champion at Tenbury 2002. Prestone Blossom U24, sired by Standard Lad 93J, was a top price heifer at the Prestone dispersal sale purchased by R Eld and went on to becoming the Grand Female Champion at the Royal Show 1987 with Prestone Blossom T7 placed reserve to her that day.
The Blossom family of females have always been good milkers and good mothers, - sound working class animals with a touch of stardom.
I think I should mention here some of the Blossom Bulls who have played an important part including Badlingham Breage, whose first 16 bull calves included 8 sold into pedigree herds.
Badlingham Brokenhurst was a Breage son sold to Mts L Jackson and for her achieved Grand Male Champion and Reserve Supreme at the National Tenbury Show 2002. Second to him that day was Bob & Maragret Borwick's Badlingham Boyce. It is interesting that Brokenhurst was by a Blossom bull out of a Bridesmaid 16 cow and Boyce was by a Bridesmaid 16 bull out of a Blossom cow. At this show Breage, Bart and Boyce between them sired 12 animals in the top three placings.
Badlingham Bart was Junior Champion at the 1999 Thre Counties Show and Justified our faith in him by siring Badlingham Bates, Junior Chmapion at the 2002 Royal Show, Badlingham Banter, Reserve Grand Male Champion 2003 Royal Show and Badlingham Blossom 110, Grand Female Champion at Tenbury 2003 for A G Wright & Son, the new owners of the Badlingham Herd.
Thanks must go to my son Robert for his input here. His dedication at A G Wright's will ensure the Blossom family will continue to flourish.
Badlingham Blossom 77
Blossom U24
Last Thoughts:
I was once told by a seemingly erudite person of a scientific ilk that illustrious forefathers were lost in four generations. It would seem to me that nobody told the Blossoms who I have traced back to Nonsuch, a winning cow at the Royal Show in 1908.
Badlingham Boyce
Badlingham Blossom 24